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If you’re looking to add a little bit of color to your look with semi-permanent makeup, lip blush is the way to go! This new trend in lip coloring is perfect for adding a subtle hint of color without compromising your natural beauty. The possibilities are endless when it comes to lip blush – from shades that are nude and natural to bold and bright colors. In this post, we will look at some of the latest trends with this new semi-permanent makeup; we will also show you how to prepare for the application, how the healing process works, and how to care for them with some innovative products. Whether you are a lip blush novice or a seasoned pro, there’s something for everyone in this blog post!

Lip blush provides long-lasting natural pigmented lips. Lip blushing treatments should not be used to replace lipstick; instead. It gives a stain effect that keeps your lips looking fresh even when you do not want to wear makeup. The best thing about lip blush is that it can be applied in a variety of ways. You can use it as an all-over color, or you can focus it on specific areas of your lips for a more dramatic effect.

Lip blush is the perfect way to add a pop of color to your look without going over the top and without having to apply makeup every day. If you’re looking for a natural lip color, opt for a nude or pink shade of lip blush. For something bolder, try out a bright red or purple hue. Do keep in mind that lip-blushing is semi-permanent, so whatever color you choose, you should feel comfortable with it. Lip blush can also be used to create ombre or gradient lips – by simply applying the lighter shade of lip blush to the center of your lips and then blending outwards with a darker shade. This would provide a sense of fullness to the lips without the use of fillers. The possibilities are truly endless! 

So what are you waiting for? Get on trend with lip blush today!

lip blushing
lip blushing

How to choose a lip-blush specialist near you?

When it comes to choosing a lip-blush specialist, you want to make sure you find someone who is experienced and qualified. The last thing you want is for your lips to be uneven or for the color to fade quickly; you want to make sure they use good products as well; after all, this is something that is going not only into your body but into your face as well. Do your research and read reviews from other clients before making your decision; previous customer reviews and before and after photos are typically the best reference you could get for this type of service. Once you have found a lip-blush specialist you feel comfortable with, be sure to schedule a consultation so that you can discuss your expectations and get an idea of what the final result will look like.

What to expect during the consultation?

Your lip-blush specialist should start by asking you what kind of look you are hoping to achieve with your lip color. Be specific about the colors and shades that you are drawn to, and don’t be afraid to bring inspirational photos. Always remember that something that looks good on another person does not necessarily look good in you as well, so if you do use inspirational images, make sure that skin tones and base tones on those photos are similar to yours. Do not be ashamed to ask for recommendations, either. I do always recommend that clients ask for pictures of previously completed work during the consultation; this will show you some actual work done by the specialist.

Take your time to make a decision, do not jump into it right away, and do not be ashamed to ask for a couple of days to think about the procedure or investigate other options as well; when it comes to our bodies, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Is there a better time to schedule a lip-blush treatment?

The answer to this question will vary from person to person. I do not recommend having the treatment done right before an event as your lips will be swollen for at least 24 hours, and sometimes even longer, depending on how each individual heal. If you have time, I recommend scheduling the appointment 1-2 weeks in advance so that you can see how your lips react and recover from the treatment.

After the procedure, your lips may suffer from dryness and some cracking; if you live in a dry climate and your lips are prone to damage during the winter months, I would recommend slightly postponing to avoid damage to the recently completed cosmetic procedure. If this is your case, you may be better off scheduling the appointment during the spring or summer months when the weather is more forgiving.

Lastly, make sure there is no damage or cracking anywhere on your lips on the day of the procedure. If you have a cold sore or some other issues in your lips, it is essential you reschedule your procedure to a later date when your lips have completely healed, so you guarantee the best possible results. Some specialists will recommend that clients who typically suffer from cold sores see their doctor for anti-viral medication, which you should start several days prior to the procedure.

Here are some recommendations on how to get ready for your lip blush semi-permanent makeup procedure (always consult with your doctor before taking or stopping to take any medications). 

  • Lips must not be dry on the days leading to or the day of the procedure. Keep them moisturized by drinking plenty of water and using a lip ointment (some recommendations are provided at the end of this blog). 
  • Gently exfoliate your lips 1 or 2 days before the procedure; you can do this using a soft toothbrush or using an exfoliating scrub; you can easily make one at home by combining some sugar and honey.
  • Do not consume alcohol or caffeinated products for at least 24 hours before treatment, and do not take aspirin or blood-thinning medications for at least five days prior. 
  • If possible, do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior to the procedure (they are natural blood thinners).
  • Absolutely no fillers should be administered to you ten days before treatment. Please inform your specialist of any current injections and when they occurred.
  • If you are using any medications, it is best you let your specialist know.

What to expect during the lip-blush treatment?

When you arrive for your lip-blush treatment, your specialist will start by cleaning and exfoliating your lips. This is important in order to create a smooth canvas for the color to be applied. Next, a numbing cream will be applied to your lips in order to minimize any discomfort. Once your lips are numb, the lip-blush color will be carefully and precisely applied to your lips. The entire process usually takes about an hour from start to finish.

lip blushing

Aftercare for lip-blush treatment?

Once your lip-blush treatment is complete, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your specialist. This will help to ensure that your lips heal properly and that the color lasts for as long as possible. Typically, you will be instructed to avoid wearing lipstick or lip balm for at least 24 hours after the treatment. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything that could stain your lips, such as coffee or red wine. It’s also important to keep your lips hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using a lip balm with SPF during the day.

Lip Blush Healing Stages

Days 1 to 2:

In the first couple of days, your lip blush will look its darkest. This is because the ink is still fresh and has not had a chance to settle into your skin yet. Don’t worry – the color will lighten up and smooth as it heals!

During this time, you will most certainly feel tightness in the lips that will be accompanied by swelling. This is normal and will subside within the first 48 hours. We recommend you avoid sun exposure during this time as it may lead to excessive dryness and accelerated color fading. Regardless of the dryness, do not pick, rub or bite your lips during the first week of healing.

Days 3 to 5:

The swelling should be gone by now, but your lips will still be fairly tender. The color will also start to fade a bit as it begins to settle into your skin. Some artists claim that by day five, about 50% of the color will have faded; you are now getting closer to the intended color. During this time, your lips may continue to feel dry; if this is the case, you may want to consider using lip balm to relieve the dryness and aid with the treatment. Our team recommends using a lip balm without SPF for the first few days; a good lip balm will help lock in the moisture and keep your lips from drying out.

Days 6 to 10:

During this period, your lips will continue to heal as the color continues to settle into your skin.

Towards days 9 and 10, the color will have lightened considerably and will now be closer to its final shade. By day ten, your lips should have healed enough that you can start wearing lipstick or lip gloss again. During this time, it is still very important that you do not pick at or bite your lips as it may cause the color to fade unevenly or pull.

Days 11 to 15:

The color will be fully settled into your skin by now and may appear softer than when it was first done. This is normal – the initial color is always darker because it has not had a chance to oxidize yet. As time continues to pass, you will regenerate your lip skin, and the color will slowly fade away. Some touch-ups are recommended every three months to maintain the color optimal.

How long does the lip brush treatment last?

Typically lip-brush treatment will last anywhere from 1-2 years. This can depend on a number of different lifestyle factors, such as how often you eat and drink if you smoke, what type of products you use on your lips, if you bite your lips, etc. To extend the life of your treatment, it is best if you maintain hydration and use SPF lip balm when out and about.

How much does the lip blush treatment cost?

The cost of lip blush can vary depending on the artist and the area you live in, but typically it ranges from $250 to $600. Some artists may charge more for additional colors or for a touch-up, so be sure to ask about these fees before booking your appointment.

Lip care products we truly love that will help you during the healing process:

– Cicaplast Baume B5 by La Roche Posay: This lip balm is great for chapped lips and provides long-lasting hydration without being too greasy.

– Aquaphor Healing Ointment by Eucerin: A classic ointment that works great for chapped lips and is fragrance-free.

– Carmex Lip Balm: A cult classic lip balm that provides long-lasting hydration and has a light minty scent.

– Nuxe Reve de Miel Ultra Nourishing Lip Balm: This lip balm is great for dry and chapped lips; it is also very versatile as it can be used on the lips, cuticles, or even as a hand cream.

– Burt’s Bees 100% Natural Lip Balm: A classic lip balm that is great for hydration and comes in a variety of flavors.

 The best thing you can do for your new lip blush treatment is to keep it clean and moisturized – this will help ensure that it heals evenly and stays looking its best.