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What is Microblading?

Microblading is a form of eyebrow tinting procedure that has recently gained popularity. Some may consider it similar to tattooing although it is not permanent like a tattoo as it is not injected into the skin but is a form of semi-permanent makeup. The microblading technique uses a very fine blade to deposit the pigment into the upper layer of the skin. If done properly, it will look very similar to real eyebrows. This can give the appearance of fuller, more natural-looking, and more symmetrical eyebrows. 

What you need to know:

When getting a microblading treatment, you want to make sure you choose a professional that can advise as to what style of eyebrows would look best on your face. Not all micro-blading artists are created equal. There are many microblading courses available online. As a result, many artists are not necessarily good. We recommend doing your research to find a reputable artist in your area. As mentioned in other blogs, your research must include seeing some microblading before and after photos showing the artist’s work. If you have access to reviews of the artist’s work, do take your time to go through them, as this will allow you to make a well-informed decision when choosing an artist.

For the initial microblading treatment, you can expect to be in the chair for about two hours (rarely less than 1.5 hours). This timeframe includes the time it takes for the numbing cream to work, the microblading, and the aftercare. If done properly, the microblading treatment will last anywhere from one to two and a half years. Several factors will play a role in how long the microblade will last. For instance, your skin type, how you take care of it and your brows, how much sun exposure you get, and how often you exfoliate all play a major role in the lifetime of the treatment. It is important to note that microblading is not a one-time treatment. Getting touch-ups every 6 to 12 months is important to maintain the results.

Microblading hurts a little; however, the numbing cream used generally takes care of any discomfort during treatment. If you have a low pain threshold, you may want to let your artist know so they apply numbing cream generously and for a longer period of time before starting the micro-blading. After the treatment is done, when the effect of the numbing cream has passed, you may feel a tingling sensation or itchiness; some people also describe a soft burning sensation. All these sensations are completely normal and will pass within a few days.


What is the cost of Microblading? 

The cost of microblading can range from $250 to $2000; the cost will depend on the artist, the area you live in, and the design complexity and density you are looking for. Anything beyond $1000 should be considered a premium price for this type of treatment. We recommend finding an artist that you are comfortable with and that offers a price point that is within your budget. You may also want to discuss the cost of the retouch session, so you are well informed of the short and long-term costs of the treatment.

Microblading is not for everyone, but if you are looking for a way to improve your appearance, it may be worth considering. You should always consult with a professional before making any decisions about microblading. Many microblading artists will offer you a style they think looks good, but it may not be the best choice for your specific face shape. Microblading retouch costs between $50 and $300 per session.

You should avoid microblading if: 

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You have diabetes
  • You have had Botox recently
  • You take blood thinners
  • You have a history of keloids
  • You have very oily skin
  • You have a viral infection or skin disease near the eyebrow area

If you want to microblade your eyebrows, we suggest that you find a reputable artist in your area and schedule a consultation. To avoid complications such as an infection, we recommend you check their accreditations, licenses, and/or any local certifications. During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, see microblading before and after photos, assess their cleanliness, and get a feel for whether or not microblading is right for you.

Preparing for treatment:

Your preparation for microblading treatment will be similar to Lip-Blushing, a similar semi-permanent makeup procedure. Always consult with your doctor before taking or stopping to take any medications. 

  • Maintain yourself hydrated; it is important for your skin in general. 
  • Gently exfoliate your face and brows 1 or 2 days before the procedure. You can do this using a soft toothbrush or using an exfoliating scrub, and you can easily make one at home by combining some sugar and honey.
  • Do not consume alcohol or caffeinated products for at least 24 hours before treatment. Do not take aspirin or blood-thinning medications for at least five days prior. 
  • If possible, do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior to the procedure. They are natural blood thinners.
  • Absolutely no fillers should be administered to you 30 days before treatment. Please inform your specialist of any current injections and when they occurred.
  • If you are using any medications, it is best you let your specialist know.

Aftercare of micro-bladed eyebrows:

When it comes to taking care of your micro-bladed brows, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Proper care of your microblading eyebrows is important to the longevity of the pigment. First, you will want to avoid getting them wet for the first week after the treatment. This means no washing your face with water, no sweating, and no swimming.

After the first week, you can slowly start to introduce water back into your routine but be sure to pat them dry gently. Second, you will want to avoid using any products on your brows that contain glycolic or lactic acids, as these can cause the pigment to fade. Third, you will want to stay out of the sun as much as possible, and if you must be in the sun, be sure to use broad-spectrum sunscreen on your brows. Lastly, you will want to avoid picking or scratching at your brows, as this can cause them to become irritated and lead to scabbing. If you follow these simple aftercare instructions, you will be sure to have beautiful micro-bladed brows that last.

Aftercare is important to microblading. It usually involves using a light ointment or cream for a few days after the initial treatment to keep the area properly moist for healing. With proper care, you will extend the life of your new brows.

I hope this post has helped you understand microblading a little better. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest beauty, lifestyle, and fashion trends and tips.